Acclimating Greenhouse Plants For Real Life


Acclimate Before Planting

Crucial Steps for ensuring the success of greenhouse-grown plants


Most of the plants you buy from Pine Lane Nursery grew up in our climate-controlled greenhouses and need to be gradually introduced to the outdoors before being planted or, in the case of hanging baskets, hung for the season.

To transition these plants successfully, we recommend placing plants outdoors in a protected area during the day over a period of 5-7 days before leaving them in their final growing space for the summer. A protected area is a semi-shaded place in your year that is shielded from the direct sun, wind, and temperature extremes.

  • For the 1st day, place your new plants in the protected area for a few hours then bring back indoors.
  • Repeat this for the next 2-3 days, gradually increasing the time spent each day outdoors.
  • After a few days, begin exposing the plants to the sun, also increasing the time spent outdoors.
  • After 5-7 days, plant your plants in t

    he ground or in outdoor containers when daytime / nighttime temperatures are between 50-80°. If high temperatures are expected, delay planting until early evening or morning to reduce heat-induced stress to the plants.
  • New tender annual plants, like hanging baskets, will not withstand temperatures lower than 50° so bring them in if lower temperatures are expected.
  • If you have already planted your plants and cold temperatures are in the forecast, you will need to cover them for protection. Move containers or baskets to the garage or other sheltered area during these times.

The average last frost date for our area is May 14th but diligent weather monitoring is suggested until June.

Happy Growing!