- Beautiful, bell-shaped, white flowers appear in panicles in late spring
- Large heart shaped leaves
- Long narrow seed pods follow the flowers and persist
- Very water-wise and fast growing
Catalpa speciosa
Unique Features: This is a large relatively fast growing native tree that is drought tolerant once established. It is late to leaf out so it avoids most late spring frosts. The leaves are heart shaped and very large, 12’’ x 12’’, and cast a deep shade. The early summer white flowers are in upright clusters and each flower has purple speckles and a yellow throat. The flowers are followed by long, up to 24’’, bean pods that hang on the tree all winter, eventually dropping in the spring and can be cleaned with a mulching mower. Since the deep shade from this tree can impede turf growth, expand the mulch area under the tree; this will cut down on mowing, save water, make pods clean up easier and be better for the tree.

- Beautiful, bell-shaped, white flowers appear in panicles in late spring
- Large heart shaped leaves
- Long narrow seed pods follow the flowers and persist
- Very water-wise and fast growing
Zone: 4 |
Mature Height: 40'-60' |
Mature Spread: 25'-40' |
Bloom: Spring |
Fruiting: Ornamental |
Flower Color: White |
Fall Color: Yellow |