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Lilac/ Dwarf Korean (Tree Form)

  • Dwarf, spreading growth habit
  • Blooms profusely during spring season
  • Be sure to keep staked until the trunk thickens
Scientific Name:
Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
Zone: 3
Mature Height: 4'-6'
Mature Spread: 5'-7'
Type: Ornamental
Size: Small
Bloom Time: Spring
Fruiting: Ornamental
Flower Color:
Fall Color:
Full Sun
Full Sun
Moderate Water
Moderate Water
Additional Information:

Unique Features: This is a Dwarf Korean lilac grafted onto the top of a 3’ to 4’ trunk from another plant in the same family, basically constructing it into tree. The shrub grows normally, and the addition of the trunk holds it at eye level.  While the trunk will thicken over time, it will not get any taller. If you are starting with a younger plant, then staking the trunk and performing regular pruning of the top (scion) will be necessary.  Since the scion is a dwarf form the trunk will eventually be able to support it without staking. They naturally grow into a horizontal oval form, so if you want a spherical ‘head’ you will have to prune it that way. Dwarf Korean lilacs bloom 2-3 weeks later than common lilacs and about 4-6 weeks later than the tree lilacs.  The grafting allows for a lilac ‘tree’ with a flower color other than white.

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Lilac/ Dwarf Korean (Tree Form)

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Scientific Name: Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
  • Dwarf, spreading growth habit
  • Blooms profusely during spring season
  • Be sure to keep staked until the trunk thickens
Zone: 3
Mature Height: 4'-6'
Mature Spread: 5'-7'
Bloom: Spring
Fruiting: Ornamental
Flower Color:
Fall Color:
Full Sun
Full Sun
Moderate Water
Moderate Water