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Pine/ Austrian/ Oregon Green

  • Broad growth habit with open branches
  • Tolerates alkaline soil
  • Good choice to use as a screen, shelterbelt, or windbreak
Scientific Name:
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green'
Zone: 4
Mature Height: 15-25'
Mature Spread: 15-20'
Type: Evergreen
Size: Average
Full Sun
Full Sun
Moderate Water
Moderate Water
Additional Information:

Unique Features: The Oregon Green is slower growing than the species Austrian pine but it can still get quite large, it just takes longer.  The needles on the Oregon Green are slightly different than those of the species. The needles are about 3” long as with the regular Austrian but are stiffer and have a pronounced curve, especially when younger.  They also tend to hold longer on the branch giving the tree more a ‘fox tail’ appearance.  The size of the Oregon Green can be controlled by candle pruning.  In the spring this tree produces long upward pointing white buds, which are a significant ornamental feature.  Breaking (pinching) or cutting these buds by 50% or more will result in less growth, more back budding and most likely smaller buds nest year.


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Pine/ Austrian/ Oregon Green

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Scientific Name: Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green'
  • Broad growth habit with open branches
  • Tolerates alkaline soil
  • Good choice to use as a screen, shelterbelt, or windbreak
Zone: 4
Mature Height: 15-25'
Mature Spread: 15-20'
Bloom: None
Flower Color:
Full Sun
Full Sun
Moderate Water
Moderate Water