Category: Plant Care

Winter Water Care for Maples
While maples grow well in Colorado, they are native to…

Houseplant Care
Selecting Your Plants & Finding the Right Space for Them:…

Spring Care for Trees and Shrubs
As the days continue to warm up and the snow melts, the trees…

Spring Care for Trees and Shrubs
The first day of spring this year was March 20th. March is…

Pruning Techniques, Explained
Too often, large shrubs are removed in their prime because they…

Wrap Your Tree For Winter Protection
Tree Wrapping and Understanding Winter Tree Damage
When a…

Bringing your house plants inside for winter, by Emily Helmus
The overwintering process for house plants begins with the temperature…

Japanese Beetle in Denver
Some of our Denver customers have been encountering Japanese…

Colorado Spring- incoming freeze and snow! Protect your plants!
It wouldn't be a Colorado Spring without a little April or May…
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